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 حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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المساهمات : 106
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/06/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008   حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 I_icon_minitimeالجمعة يونيو 06, 2008 12:35 pm

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Pes2008gw8

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (c) Konami

Release Date: Oct 26, 2007

(Winning Eleven) Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 is the latest

installation of Konami's venerable football franchise,

complete with a new AI system.

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Joumlazwinabh9tm5


حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Wol_errorتلك الصوره مصغره تلقائيا,لعرض الحجم الحقيقي للصوره رجائا اضغط هذا الشريط,الحجم الحقيقي للصوره660x371 and weights 37KB.
حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Winning-eleven:-pro-evolution-soccer-2008-(pes7)-ss-32

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Wol_errorتلك الصوره مصغره تلقائيا,لعرض الحجم الحقيقي للصوره رجائا اضغط هذا الشريط,الحجم الحقيقي للصوره1024x768 and weights 140KB.
حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Pes08

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Wol_errorتلك الصوره مصغره تلقائيا,لعرض الحجم الحقيقي للصوره رجائا اضغط هذا الشريط,الحجم الحقيقي للصوره640x480 and weights 122KB.
حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 3-785_3

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Joumlazwinabh9tm5

DVDS: 1 Protection: Securom7
DVD1 archives: 54 x 100 MB DVD1: flt-pes8.001 -- flt-pes8.054

System Requirements: Intel Pentium 2.0 GHz, 512MB RAM, 128mb Graphics Card

Game information

PES 2008 will feature a brand new intelligence system, called Teamvision,
that adapts and reacts to players own gameplay styles to ensure that the
computer controlled opponents are always challenging and forcing the player
to think and change their style of play to avoid being out-thought by the
game. It will learn counter attacks that target your weaknesses and look to
exploit any repetitive tactics players use

Defenders react better to danger, closing down the ball and charging at
shots and the goalkeepers will hold shots that are closer to them as well
Teammates will make more intelligent runs into space and the close control
has been sharpened to ensure quick and fluid passing and speedy attacks can
be built. The next gen versions will also feature extensive edit modes so
players can completely customise their PES 2008 experience

Installation Information

Just extract the archives and burn/mount with your favorite software
Install, use serial:
Copy our Cracked ******* from DVD to game dir then play

حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Joumlazwinabh9tm5

Download links:

part 1

part 2


حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 Joumlazwinabh9tm5
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حصرى احسن لعبة كرة قدم PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008
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